
Worksite is provided by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) as a service to students and teachers.
Students and educators are welcome to use the text and images in their projects and assignments. Unions, community groups and not-for-profit organisations are welcome to use the content with acknowledgement of the ACTU Worksite for Schools.

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Melbourne VIC 3000

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Referencing details
If you are referencing the website in your text, please include the following details:

  • Author: ACTU Worksite
  • Date: 2013 –

Eg (ACTU Worksite, 2013)

If you are referencing the website in a reference list, notes or bibliography, include the following details:

  • ACTU Worksite
  • Date: 2013 –
  • Author: Australian Council of Trade Unions
  • Location: Melbourne
  • Date of viewing the source
  • URL

Eg ACTU Worksite 2013, Australian Council of Trade Unions, Melbourne, viewed 26 May 2013,